Puppies & Kittens Lost!

Dream Description From Client

Describe your dream.

I dreamt that my small white dog, although fixed, had 3 white puppies. They were very small and newborn, only hours old when I held them in my hands. I was in my home, close to the chair where my dog sleeps. Next appeared also three small newborn kittens, also all white. I currently have a small white dog, and in my childhood I did have a white cat. I became concerned for all the puppies' and kittens' care and survival and began to prepare cushiony blankets where they could sleep and placed them there. Then I lost them! I looked and looked for them, worried that if I didn't find them they would dry up and die.

Do you think the dream is related to events or situations in your life? If so, describe how.

Not sure.


This dream seems to be portraying your subconscious mind's concern about responsibility in your life, and a fear of not living up to that responsibility - or perhaps a real-life situation in which you feel you did not live up to your responsibility. The puppies and kittens in the dream likely represent responsibilities in your real life, things you must invest time and energy in order to take care of - perhaps even "pet projects" that you care a lot about, or perhaps other areas of responsibility in your life, such as responsibility for yourself or your happiness. Losing the puppies and kittens, despite your excellent efforts to care for them, may represent a feeling or fear regarding something out of your control causing you to not live up to your responsibilities. What this dream appears to be saying is that you feel a great responsibility somewhere in your life, so important to you that it would be horrible if something happened so that you couldn't live up to that responsibility (represented in the dream by the puppies'/kittens' lives being threatened because you have lost them).

Feedback from Client

Thank you! The interpretation makes total sense.

(This dream interpretation is shared with permission of the client.)