The Familiar Village

Dream Description From Client

Describe your dream.

I have always dreamed very vividly. My entire life I have always known the people in my dream, or at least some of them. When I am awake, I don't know them. One dream that is constantly reoccurring and constantly changing is the structure. It's a large structure which contains work areas, living areas, and a limited outside area, which includes a river. Over the last 44 years this place has remained somewhat the same with minor changes as I progress through life. There is a work area where I and several others I know very well (but only in the dream) work. There is a couple of living areas. One of the areas is beautifully crafted, carved cherry wood walls, etc. The other I don't ever remember. One area is a central hub between the working area and a mall-like area. The hub has beautiful stairs leading down from all sides to a fountain. It is about 3 floors down. Plants everywhere. Beautiful. One more area is the outside. There is a river and lots of barge traffic with some barges docking to deliver supplies to the structure.

This dream pops up every now and again, but not frequent. When it does pop up, I feel like I have left something behind, people, pets, etc., when I wake up in the "real world." It confuses me because I almost consider the structure the real world. 

Describe what you were feeling during the dream and when you awoke after the dream. Include emotions as well as any physical sensations.

Happy when dreaming. Felt like I lost something or I feel like I can't wait to see those people in my dream again when I awoke. Physical? I feel exhausted.

Describe any objects or other elements in the dream that seemed important or stood out.

A large glass elevator and elevator lobby area. A very detailed hand carved wooden walls and decor area in one of the living sections. A parking lot. A river. Barges. A central lobby area in the center of all parts of the structure. It is a hand-carved wooden area with a beautiful fountain and lots of planters and plants.

Do you think the dream is related to events or situations in your life? If so, describe how.

I think it is a real place that I visit from time to time. I don't know that it is symbolic at all. I know the people there until I wake up. I think it is a real physical place.


This dream could represent your life, with the different areas you described there representing the different areas of your life - day-to-day activities, social interaction, etc. It's also possible that this place actually exists on a non-physical level - which would be more consistent with your sense about it, as you described it. In this second scenario, the people in the dream could be other people who are alive on the planet now sharing the same dream, and/or they could be people who exist on another level (for example, who have passed on). The clues in the dream such as seeing the same people repeatedly, returning to the exact same dream place that you've never been to in real life, the rich and beautiful detail, etc. suggest that it's worth considering that this could be a real, non-physical place with real individuals who are interacting on a non-physical level. For more clues, consider whether there are elements of the place that don't fit physical reality - unnatural colors, things that break the laws of physics, etc. You could also try visiting this place in your mind while you are awake, poking around for more clues, and asking questions of the people there. Whether this exercise is "real" or not, it could provide more clues - whether from the actual non-physical reality or from your subconscious mind, which may know more about the place than your waking mind.

Also consider what you were doing while there, such as working or taking classes. How you spend your time there may provide clues about the purpose of the dream, if it has one.

Another possibility is that this place and the people there were created by your subconscious mind a long time ago, and your subconscious mind revisits it from time to time, which also could explain why everything is so consistent and familiar each time you "visit" there.

Feedback from Client

Thank you very much for the interpretation. I can sometimes tell my mind what to dream when I start falling asleep, by doing things like placing images under my pillow, etc. I did this as a teen to cause dreams of my girlfriend. This dream is different. It is like real life. Something I can’t seem to change. It’s like a place I am supposed to be, and THIS life (“reality”) is not the norm. It is confining but beautiful and I can never seem to change anything or realize that I am dreaming in this place. When I dream of it I feel like I haven’t slept, but I enjoy so much being there that I wouldn’t want to stop it if I could.

(This dream interpretation is shared with permission of the client.)