the Field

Dream Description From Client

Describe your dream.

 I was in a baseball stadium listening to Ian Balina speak about investments. As Balina started speaking many people got up and left but I wanted to show my support. Sitting next to me a white guy with tiny black bugs on his face (not spiders or ants but some small black bug). He seemed friendly but made me uncomfortable. We were sitting in mid-tier seats. I wanted to get away from him to watch Ian Balina speak. So I walked around the stadium looking for a better view, which I couldn't seem to get anywhere. Suddenly I ended up basically where I started. I then looked into the field and Balina had hit the ball but was running with a bat which I thought was silly but I understood he was not an athlete. As he ran, the pitcher got him out before he got to first base. Then there were a bunch of fights on the field off to the side, like around 3rd base. They seemed like pro fighters, not like baseball fights. Suddenly the guy who had originally had the bugs on his face started whispering in my left ear and told me that he messed something up. I tried to ask what, but he started mumbling and repeating sounds and I could not understand what he was saying. As he was talking, an image of three cartoon characters from Dragon Ball Z popped into my head and when he told me he messed up, as he tried to answer about the mumbling I saw an image of a floating eye within like a purple sleeve, something like you would see in science fiction. It looked almost robotic. Then it ended.

Describe what you were feeling during the dream and when you awoke after the dream. Include emotions as well as any physical sensations.

I was trying to learn and show my support. Ian Balina is an investor in digital currency that is down-to-earth and gives people a behind-the-scenes look at his investments. I'm trying to start a family and to become successful, and so a chance to see and learn from someone like him would be important to me. I felt like I was trying to get information but it was a struggle. I am not very interested in baseball.

Describe any objects or other elements in the dream that seemed important or stood out.

The fact that the man spoke into my left ear stood out to me in a very intense way, and the first thing I thought as he was talking was "Why my left ear?" The baseball stadium stood out and the baseball vibe stood out because I don't watch baseball. The fighting at 3rd base was interesting because I'm a fan of martial arts and it is a field of interest. (which might be the reference to the field). I also like the book The Field by Lynne McTaggart. Ian running with the bat stood out as an obvious thing you DON'T do in baseball. The frustration of never actually getting to see the speech was noticeable.

Do you think the dream is related to events or situations in your life? If so, describe how.

Right now I'm trying to improve my financial situation by learning about investing. I'm a waiter by day and a musician by night. I have dreams I want to accomplish but bills and energy get in my way. I'm looking to leave waiting tables behind and earn with my skills and knowledge. Or at least do something that supports my health and well being at the same time. I dream a lot about investments and many times I'm struggling to drive cars or riding a pedal bike. Sometimes I dream about an investment and I see in the news had I done so I would have earned some good money.


Overall Interpretation

The theme of this dream is about you trying to learn, see, listen, and understand, but encountering major challenges and obstacles in that process - even including ending up back where you started at one point. It’s likely that this theme represents a frustrating learning experience in your real life, and your thoughts and feelings about that experience. As you alluded to, it’s possible that the dream is portraying your frustration about trying to learn a new way to create a new start in your life, perhaps specifically in the financial area (as you mentioned).

Because I’m not familiar with all the details of your daily life, my goal in this interpretation is to provide enough clues that hopefully you will recognize which aspects of your real life the dream represents. So I'll give pointers about possible people, events, and situations to look for within your real life, based on the specific symbolism in the dream.

Dream Type

This appears to be a Clarification Dream, the purpose of which is to clarify and provide insight into one or more particular situations in your life or on your mind. Specifically, the dream seems to clarify your thoughts and feelings about your frustrating attempt to learn, understand, and possibly seek guidance from others. (For more about Clarification Dreams, visit

Detailed Analysis

Let's start at the beginning of the dream. The setting of the baseball stadium may literally represent a field (as you suggested), such as the field of making money or of learning about making money. Another representation of a field could be the idea of a game, such as the game involved in making money in cryptocurrency (which has much in common with the idea of the game, such as winning or losing, winners and losers, things that are fair and things that are foul like people stealing cryptocurrency, etc.). I get the sense that the stadium may simply represent Balina’s worldwide venue (world finance? online investing?), within which he has a worldwide audience (represented by the audience in the stadium). We know from the dream that baseball represents a game that Balina plays (because he played in the dream), although he may not necessarily be an expert in it (because he carried the bat with him after he hit the ball). We also know that baseball represents something you see as a "game,” and something that you aren't very interested in and/or don’t know much about (again, which could represent investing, which you're trying to learn about). You mentioned that you're also interested in the book, The Field by Lynne McTaggart, so I suppose there could be another layer of meaning here in that everything is taking place in "the field" in which we all exist - which is also consistent with the idea I just discussed - of the field as a "virtual arena" within which a game is played. We'll look for more clues about this symbolism as we proceed through the dream.

In the first part of the dream, people were leaving as Balina started speaking. So, think of a situation in real life when Balina (or crypto currency in general) lost some of its audience. Its possible that people leaving might represent the recent bad publicity cryptocurrency has received in the last year or two, which caused some people to lose faith in it due to security issues, etc. Also consider in what area of your life you "hung in there" to show your support when other people jumped ship. Also, notice that in the dream Balina also “hung in there" even though people were walking away  so consider when you have witnessed him persisting in real life despite some losing interest (again, this may represent people losing interest in cryptocurrency).

Next in the dream you mention the guy sitting next to you with the tiny black bugs on his face. You said he made you uncomfortable, but you didn't say whether it was because of the bugs or something else. Whatever it was that made you uncomfortable will provide a big clue about who or what he represents in your life. As for what the bugs might represent, they may represent the idea of being "bugged” by something - such as being bothered, worried, or nervous about something or having some sort of limitation (physical, mental, emotional, etc.). It's possible that the bugs represent something bugging that guy, or they could represent something bugging you about the guy. So think about who this might apply to - perhaps someone you know or you’ve encountered in person, online, on TV, etc.

Maybe some of the other clues about this "bug man” will help you figure out who he represents in your life. He whispered into your ear that he messed something up and then had trouble communicating clearly with you (garbled words). As he spoke, certain images popped up in your head, including the three characters from Dragon Ball Z and the robotic-like floating eye. The other thing you noticed that stood out was that he was talking into your left ear, and you wondered why your left ear. The theme of this interaction was about you trying to understand something you weren't particularly interested in, and having all kinds of trouble understanding it. So look for something similar in your real-life, where someone showed up and maybe even though you only had a passing interest in him, you were trying to understand his information. The imagery that you mentioned seeing when this guy spoke suggests that perhaps this guy represents a source of information in your life - such as the internet, which could have been represented by the robotic eye (robotic “i” meaning internet?) and maybe the animated characters (especially if you’ve tended to see them on the internet). Some additional clues include that this man was not on the "main stage" (with Balina), but in the audience with you, sitting close to you (suggesting a direct encounter in real life, rather than just someone you observed from afar - or maybe something that hit you hard or affected you personally). He also spoke nonsense. So look for someone in real life whom you encountered and was speaking nonsense (at least it was nonsense to you), probably someone whom you don't know very well or don't know at all. Maybe a customer, or someone you ran into on the internet or social media (again, someone who messed up but can’t explain it any way that makes sense). And perhaps someone also associated with you trying to learn about making money, since you were both in the same ballpark in the dream. (The imagery of this whole interaction with the “bug man” brings to mind something like someone in real life who commented on a Balina YouTube video, or even the more general idea of some source "whispering nonsense" after admitting they had messed up. The big clue is it’s someone who admitted they messed up and then spouted nonsense (one prominent example that comes to mind is Brett Kavanaugh). Because I don't know everyone you’ve encountered in your life, you'll need to see if you can match these clues with someone or something your real life.

Getting back to the dream story, you then left your mid-tier seat to get away from the bug man and went looking for a better view of Balina. One big clue about what this might represent is that although you walked all around the stadium, you felt like you couldn't seem to get anywhere and basically ended up back where you started. You also said that you never did get to see the speech. This description sounds like the way you described your quest to learn about investing and making money - because in real life you’re still looking to connect with and learn about that new way of making money. In other words, your "quest" is as-of-yet unfulfilled, as your quest to see Balinas speech was unfulfilled in the dream. So, the dream seems to portray your attempt to learn but having difficulty due to certain circumstances (represented by the obstructed views in the dream). In the dream, walking around trying to see Balina from different angles (but never being able to connect with a view of him) may represent your feelings in real life about trying to find that money-making approach - looking from different angles, but being frustrated about not being able to connect with it (as of yet) - and perhaps "returning back to where you started" with continuing your job as a waiter(?).

Continuing through the dream story, Balina then hit the ball and proceeded to run while carrying the bat. You understood that maybe this was because he wasn't an expert at that activity (baseball). So think about an occasion when Balina (or the fields of cryptocurrency or investment in general) made a mistake or a misstep because someone was taking action in an area where they weren’t an expert. (For example, this could represent when Balina’s account famously got hacked for $2 million, because maybe he's not a security expert - or Donald Trump’s trade war wreaking havoc with the stock market, or something else.) Running with the bat also could represent the idea of failing to leave something behind when it was time to do so, or carrying something forward with you that is an unnecessary burden (something from the past that could interfere with your current pursuit). So, consider how either of those themes might come into play in your real life.

Let's take a step back here for a minute and look at the more general symbolism going on in the dream. Balina was speaking in a venue that was created for something else altogether (baseball), rather than a venue appropriate to his specific field. He was sort of a guest in the ballpark. So, we might ask, why was he speaking in the ballpark rather than somewhere more appropriate, like a theater? Maybe your subconscious mind chose a ballpark to represent the idea of the game. Maybe whatever the ballpark is representing in your real life is something you see as a game (investing, the stock market, cryptocurrency, making money in general, etc.) - so consider what field in your life you think about as a game (such as with competition, rules that players have to learn, specific dynamics, odds, expected outcomes, etc.).

Next in the dream you said a bunch of fights broke out somewhere around third base, and the fighters seemed like professional fighters rather than baseball fighters. It's possible that, like you suggested, this fighting represents something in martial arts, since it’s one of your interests. For more clues, consider what the fighters looked like, how they were fighting, and your sense of why they were fighting (for example, whether it was related to the game or Balina, or completely separate). It may also be significant that the fights broke out near third base, which could represent a public process (because it happened on the field where everyone could see) that was nearing completion (since 3rd based is that last one before arriving home). (Some public possibilities include Brent Kavanaugh again, where a big fight among political professionals broke out near the end of the process - or something else you witnessed in real life.)

Then you said that the man who originally had bugs on his face (who presumably no longer had them on his face?) now started whispering into your left ear, which caused you to wonder, Why my left ear? Consider what your subconscious mind may have been trying to represent with your left ear. For example, which ear do you consider to be your dominant ear? If your left ear is your nondominant ear, maybe it symbolized a part of the whole idea of having trouble understanding the guy. Another possibility is the left side could represent something untoward or something trying to throw you off track or confuse you. Another clue is that this is someone who bugged you, whom you then left, went and circled around, then ended up encountering again. So, he could represent someone whom you don't know very well but you’ve encountered more than once - such as a customer who "bugs" you and/or you have trouble understanding or connecting with, someone online, a neighbor, someone in the news, etc. (The reason I'm emphasizing the clues to who this man represents in your real life is that his identity could unlock the meaning of the whole dream for you.)

As for the images you saw in your mind when the “bug man” was speaking, consider what comes to mind when you think of those specific characters from Dragon Ball Z, or when you think of that show in general (the feeling you get when you think of them, what they bring to mind, etc.). And similarly, consider how you felt about the robotic-seeming eye within a purple sleeve (watching you, expecting something, good will or ill will, etc.). For example, if it was just observing everything, it could have represented the "all seeing eye" of the internet and social media, etc. (since everyone is photographing and videoing everything these days). Alternatively, if you got a sense of foreboding from it, it could represent a fear of yours or something in real life that you perceive as threatening.

The fact that the dream ended at this point when you were still frustrated may mean that in real life you’re still experiencing whatever the dream frustration represents, and you haven't yet been able to accomplish what you set out to accomplish (as also in the dream). So, it seems likely that your subconscious mind may have created this dream as an attempt to express your real-life frustration with trying to find answers/guidance, and possibly to examine the situation more closely in order to figure out how to get past those obstacles you feel are holding you back.

Actions to Resolve Issues from Your Dream

Since this dream appears to be primarily exploring your subconscious thoughts and feelings at the time of the dream, no further action may be needed to resolve any issues from the dream. You might choose to explore your feelings about the dream and about its specific elements. This process may not only provide insight into the feelings and issues, but may also help you clarify "next steps" and identify feelings that indicate deeper unresolved issues or other areas within you where action would be helpful. You may already have your own techniques for this exploration, and I suggest the following two tools:

  • Free-Form Writing: The purpose of this exercise is to explore your thoughts, feelings, wants, and needs, and to give them a space to be seen and heard. Sit down with pen and paper and just start writing anything and everything that comes to mind. You might want to start with writing your reaction to the part of the dream that really stands out the most. If you go blank at anytime, just write "nothing is coming to mind right now" and keep going. If you get stuck for a long time with nothing to write, you can ask yourself questions to get going again (try "If I had something to say, it would be ..." or "If I knew how I was feeling right now, I would explain it like this..."). Don't worry if it's readable or if the spelling is correct - no one will ever read this, including you. Keep writing until you have a definite feeling that there is nothing left to be said. When you are finished, write on a separate sheet any conclusions you want to keep, then tear up or safely burn the originals to let your subconscious know you are releasing everything you wrote, because those feelings have now been expressed and are no longer current.

  • Dream Dialoguing: With pen and paper, sit down and start writing a dialog with a symbol from your dream. Write your name and your first question, then write the name of the dream symbol and answer the question as you imagine the symbol would. (You can see an example of dream dialoguing at

If at any point you feel the process is too much to handle on your own, ask for help from a counselor/therapist or other professional.

Feedback from Client

Extremely satisfied.

(This dream interpretation is shared with permission of the client.)