The Surprise 3rd Floor

Dream Description From Client

Describe your dream.

I was going down a street in an older part of town (no clear picture of how I was traveling or what town I was in) that had LARGE, stone, Victorian-type homes. All the houses sat above the street on a terrace. I don't know what I was looking for but kept going down streets, and finally got to a structure where I was not able to find an outlet. Then I was inside of a large home, and the house was supposed to belong to me; however I was not aware that the house had a 3rd level - so I went to explore. I found myself in a large bedroom, what seemed like 20-foot ceilings. I started looking in drawers that were part of a built-in, the drawers were very thin/narrow in height and made of burlwood. I started checking each drawer searching for money. My 3 cats were with me, and it seemed as though the room had formerly belonged to a man - there was a masculine quality and vibe, although nothing really specific. I went through the nightstand and found what seemed like DVDs of things like "New York" - no music, no movies. So I don't really know what the DVDs were other than they all had black-and-white, vintage-type photos on the covers. Then I turned to see a tall etagere that had all kinds of geodes, crystals and rocks. And I remarked how I wanted to take one of the large amethyst geodes and give to Rachel (my petsitter). At one point I opened the door to what was a large bathroom and there was a mama kitty lying there with all her teeny, tiny newborn babies nursing. My kitties got in and tried to explore and I had to shoo them out but I recall thinking that there must be a hole somewhere in the roof that the mama kitty got into the house through and she was making a safe home for her newborns. There were very tall windows in the bedroom and it just seemed like it was in perfect condition and untouched for decades, yet clean and bright. The other "feeling" during my exploration of this floor was that I should not sell the house and instead fix up this 3rd floor and stay in the house as it might provide some opportunity that I had not previously thought it had. And then my alarm went off and I woke up.

Describe what you were feeling during the dream and when you awoke after the dream. Include emotions as well as any physical sensations.

I rarely recall my dreams…RARELY…so all I can remember feeling during the dream was that this was awesome, the room was AMAZING and I felt good. I also felt great upon waking…and have felt so alive all day today.  

Describe any objects or other elements in the dream that seemed important or stood out.

The burlwood drawers, the stone Victorian houses and the geodes.

Do you think the dream is related to events or situations in your life? If so, describe how.

Yes. Have wanted to sell my house and move, but financially cannot afford to do it nor physically as I need to downsize and get rid of many, many things that no longer serve me. At the same time, I'm unhappy with my current job and have been trying to find a business to start...have gone down many paths and have several opportunities....and they are overwhelming, no time to pursue while I work full time, try to downsize and contemplate my next move.


This dream was so vivid, in color (which I never remember having color in a dream) and the details so rich and exciting. 


Overall Interpretation

This dream tells the story of discovering a wonderful new area of your life (represented by the third level of the dream house), which may point to revisiting experiences or places from the past (DVDs with vintage covers), your special gifts or qualities (geodes and crystals), and a new beginning (newborn kittens). So, consider how these themes show up in your waking life - perhaps in your past, or as desires for your future. This dream may be exploring your thoughts and feelings about issues in your current life and/or looking toward the future as your subconscious expresses its desires or expectations. The events in the dream (finding the room, looking for money, finding the geodes/crystals, discovering the mama cat and kittens) could represent a parallel series of events in your life, so look for parallels in your real life as we examine the symbolism of these events more closely.

In the Detailed Analysis below, we'll explore the dream symbolism in greater detail to look for more clues to dream meaning - including possible multiple layers of meaning.

Dream Type

This appears to be a Clarification Dream, the purpose of which is to clarify and provide insight into one or more particular situations in your life or on your mind.  (For more about Clarification Dreams, visit

This may also be a Timeline Dream, in which a series of dream events and feelings parallel a series of events and feelings in the dreamer's waking life. (For more, see visit

Detailed Analysis

In this dream, the idea of trying to decide whether to sell the house (or more specifically deciding not to sell it) could have been triggered by your real-life desire to sell your current house and move elsewhere. However, there seem to be other layers of meaning in this dream - although it's not clear whether they relate directly to your living situation, or whether your subconscious mind just added those other layers in with your real-life house situation, or perhaps there's some inner guidance coming through in the draem. We'll try to sort this out as we progress through this analysis.

In a dream, a house often represents the dreamer's life, with the areas in the house representing areas of the dreamer's life experience (relationship, career, personal life, hobbies, etc.). So, let's start with that theory and see if it's consistent with the rest of the dream and the symbol details - and also see if that theory resonates with you.

At the beginning of a dream you were going down a street in an older part of town with large, stone, Victorian-type homes. It's possible these houses could represent other people in your life (or the lives they live). The characteristics of the neighborhood in the older part of town may represent real-life friends or work colleagues who have:

  • Been around awhile, perhaps having lived enough years or been on the job long enough to have gathered wisdom and experience, or other things that come with experience (represented by the age of that part of town).

  • Developed full lives, skill sets, or some other form of abundance or wealth (represented by the large houses).

  • Developed stability and/or strength (represented by houses being made of stone).

  • Developed a certain "elevated" perspective, an ability to see things more clearly, perhaps due to life experience (represented by the houses sitting above the street on a terrace, giving the people in them a higher perspective and clearer perspective of their surroundings).

It's not clear from your description whether your house was in this same neighborhood, although the fact that it was a large house with large rooms, high ceilings, and vintage details, suggest that it may have been. Also, the juxtaposition of these two particular dream scenes together may support this idea that your "dream house" relates to that "dream neighborhood" somehow. So, if we think of this neighborhood as a place in which your subconscious mind considers you to live, then the large stone houses there may represent people around you in your life - perhaps friends, relatives, co-workers, etc - or perhaps a specific group of people. The big clue is that whatever the houses represent in your real life, they're probably people (or groups, or things, etc.) that you consider solid and experienced - and however you felt about those houses during the dream is likely how you feel about whatever they represent in your real life. So for more clues, it might be worthwhile for you to revisit the feelings you had about those houses during the dream.

Now, let's switch back to the other possible layer of meaning - the literal translation of the dream as relating to your current house and desire to sell and move. On this level of meaning, this older part of town might represent your current life in your current house with your current neighbors and day-to-day experiences there, etc. Or it could represent your current job with your current co-workers, supervisors, etc. So again, examining how you felt about this neighborhood during the dream could provide more clarity about your feelings about your current house and living situation, or alternatively about your work situation.

Let's move on to the next scene of the dream, in which you were inside the large house that was supposed to belong to you. Again, the house may represent you or your life - perhaps your current life, and/or both your current life and your past. Well, one big clue about what time frame of your real life this dream may represent is the fact that your three cats were with you, which suggests that at least this part of the dream represents your current life, or an earlier time when you had these three cats.

The first thing you mentioned about the house is that you weren't aware it had a third level, and you went to explore. In a dream, the upper levels of a house can sometimes represent a "higher level" within the dreamer - such as a higher perspective (seeing things more clearly), a higher consciousness (higher perspective, greater inner vision, clearer direction, etc), or spirituality. This might represent the idea of looking at your current situation (living situation? job? life in general?) from a different perspective, to see it in a new light and spot new opportunities to transform it into a better experience for yourself. Another possible meaning of the newly discovered 3rd floor might be an area (an opportunity, interest, etc.) that suddenly showed up in your life - or that perhaps you wish would show up (you might think of this is as a door opening to a new area in your life that you've never experienced before, and this idea of newness is also underscored by the newness of the newborn kittens you find later in the dream).

So, at this point in the dream you were with your three cats and you're exploring this new area you never knew about before, which perhaps represents you exploring an expanded area of your life, living situation, or job. You then found yourself in a large bedroom with very high ceilings, and you started looking in burlwood drawers, checking each for money. So, consider how in your life (during the part of your life when you had your three cats) you've been searching in multiple places hoping to find money or income. The symbolism of looking in drawers suggests pursuing different ideas or strategies hoping they would lead to money - which could represent what you mentioned about trying to find a business to start, or the many paths you've gone down. Since you didn't mention finding money during the dream, it may be the case that whatever this searching represents in your real life also did not lead to finding money/income.

Now, let's take a look at the symbolism of the room itself. A bedroom in a dream often represents the personal life and/or close relationship with a significant other, since a bedroom is actually the setting for those aspects of real life. You mentioned that this bedroom seemed as though it had belonged to a man, with a masculine quality and vibe, and also that it was in perfect condition and untouched for decades, although clean and bright. Since I'm not familiar with your life, I'm going to make some suggestions to try and help you recognize what this bedroom represents in your real life. Since a bedroom often represents the dreamer's personal life, it's possible that the masculine quality of the room may represent a man or relationship in your life (in general, or current or past relationship partner, or the idea of a relationship in the future). Another possibility is that the masculine vibe of the room represents your inner characteristics that your subconscious mind associates with masculinity (perhaps strength, assertiveness, or other things you might think of as masculine). Alternatively, the masculinity of the room could represent the idea of the room not really feeling like your own, or feeling like someone else's - perhaps representing the idea of you feeling like you're not living your own life (but instead living in the shadow of a father or supervisor or ex-relationship partner, or their expectations). The words that keep showing up when I envision you standing in this dream room are, "Living in a man's world." However, because you also mentioned that you found the details of the house rich and exciting, it's possible that the unfamiliar masculinity of the room that seemingly had lain undiscovered for decades may represent an aspect of yourself (strength, gift, ability, way of thinking, perspective, wisdom, etc.) that you're just now discovering. Consider what in your life feels like something marvelous and new, but with the feeling that it's been there all along, yet you're just now discovering it. In real life, what you're discovering (represented by the bedroom) could be a new phase or an aspect of yourself, your personality, your life - or aspect of a particular part of your life such as work or your living situation. The fact that the room was a bedroom and not some other room in the house suggests that it represents something in your personal life - and the fact that it's in a newly discovered upper floor of the house suggests that it has to do with a higher/different perspective or perhaps greater awareness on your part. Maybe you are seeing things in a new way or with greater perspective, or you could benefit from doing so. (In fact, the very high ceilings of the bedroom underscore this idea of higher perspective or "loftiness." And the tall windows suggest the idea of lots of light - as in "shedding light on" something, seeing things clearly, or having a clear perspective or view. Large windows in a house also could represent transparency between personal life [represented by the house's interior] and public life [represented by the house's exterior], such as the idea of having nothing to hide or being open and honest with others.)

You mentioned the burlwood as something that stood out about the dream, so it would be worthwhile to consider what that kind of wood brings to mind for you - what feeling it gives you. Where have you seen that kind of wood before, and who or what does it remind you of? Or it may have just been a detail to underscore the theme of vintage masculinity in the bedroom. I suggest you explore your feelings an impressions about it and see where that leads.

After checking the drawers for money, you said you went through the nightstand. A bed in a dream often represents the dreamer's relationship with a significant other or with self (how you relate to yourself, your inner imaginings, wishes, etc.). It could also represent the idea of "being in bed with" someone, meaning being in a partnership (even a platonic or business relationship). So things in a nightstand could represent something related to that kind of thing in your life life.

The DVDs may represent experiences, since watching a DVD in real life provides a particular experience and can transport us to a different place or time, to observe other people and their lives. The fact that the DVDs had vintage-type photos on the cover and said things like "New York" may suggest that they represent travels or other places to live - maybe places you've been or want to go, or places or neighborhoods you've lived or you've considered or imagined moving to. The vintage photos may suggest that they represent things from the past - or if they represent something current, they may have to do with the past (such as a project involving history, or past ad campaigns, etc.) For more clues, revisit how you felt about these DVDs - whether you were interested in or inspired by them, what they were about, whether they seemed to relate to past memories you recognize or new experiences with which you weren't familiar.

Next, you turned around and saw a "tall etagere that had all kinds of geodes, crystals and rock," and you "remarked how I wanted to take one of the large amethyst geodes and give to Rachel." Consider that these kinds of items represent to you in real life. To some people, they might represent beauty, the beauty of nature, magical experiences, healing, or something else. One clue is that the large amethyst seemed to you to be something Rachel would like, so consider what you know about her, her interests, needs, etc.

Another thought that comes to mind about what the geodes and crystals might represent is based on the idea that in the dream you want to give one of these items away as a gift to Rachel. In real life, what do you want to give Rachel, or what does she need that you could do for her or give her? I'm wondering if these geodes and crystals could represent your special gifts or abilities, since in the dream your first thought was about how you could give one to someone else.

You said that at one point you opened the door leading to a large bathroom. In dreams, a bathroom often represents the very most intimate and personal aspects of a dreamer's life experience - just as in real life, a bathroom is the setting in which a person conducts his or her most personal self-care, private activities, and procedures related to health and well-being. In the dream bathroom, you discovered a mama kitty with all her tiny newborn babies, and it seemed maybe that she had chosen this spot to make a safe home for her newborns. So, consider how the theme of newness or rebirth comes into play in the most personal part of your life - perhaps in a the private, self-care, or health/wellness area of your life. Another clue here is that cats in dreams can represent responsibility (since pets are a responsibility, and/or humans feel a responsibility for their care and well-being), and the mama cat taking responsibility of finding a safe place for and caring for her babies also suggests the idea of responsibility and nurturing. So, consider how the ideas of new responsibility and/or rebirth come into play in your the personal part of your life.

Yet another clue about the cat-and-kitten scene is that your three cats got into the bathroom and started exploring, and you had to shoo them out. You didn't say why you shoo'd them out, but you might revisit that part of the dream an re-examine the dynamics there. It's possible that your three cats in the dream represent your current responsibilities (perhaps in your current household, current job, etc.) that are encroaching on a new responsibility you're considering (new house, new job, something else?) - maybe current responsibilities that are keeping you from spending time with something new you'd like to do or explore.

You said you thought maybe the mama cat had come in through a hole in the roof and she was making a safe home for her newborns there in the bathroom. A bathroom would be a very safe place for vulnerable newborns, and it's very contained and private - which would keep the kittens in and possible threats out. Consider how this theme of wanting to "burrow down and find a very safe place" may show up in your life - perhaps you've experienced a time when you wanted to be alone, regroup, or protect yourself during a vulnerable process (possibly a new beginning or rebirth). If this doesn't align with anything in your past, then perhaps there's a part of you that wants to do this or feels it would be beneficial to you. For more clues, think about the motivations of a mama cat who is pregnant, how she would be feeling and thinking as she searched for an appropriate safe place to have her babies. Maybe she doesn't know exactly what's coming, but knows she needs a safe, protected place to be alone for a while - and maybe you can relate to that somehow in real life.

If you are not finding aspects or events from your real life that parallel the events in the dream, it's possible that some or all the dream events represent things you imagine or desire, or at least that your subconscious mind wanted to explore at the time you had this dream. For more clues, consider the sense you got about the bedroom during the dream. Did it seem like yours (perhaps representing a newly discovered "old" aspect of yourself) or did it seem like a man's and not yours at all (perhaps representing the idea of you living or working "in a man's world" or "according to men's expectations" or according to a certain man's expectations, such as your father's or supervisor's)?

The fact that you found the room amazing and you felt good in the room, and then felt so alive all day after the dream, suggests that whatever is represented in the dream struck a chord within you - perhaps because the dream represents something you want, such as one or more experiences you want to create in your life (new job, relocation, new start, a new business/project or responsibility - or a better experience in your current situation). You might consider reviewing the dream from beginning to end and paying particular attention to your feelings at different points, and what exactly in the dream prompted you to feel happy - then focus on translating what those parts of the dream might represent in your current or (imagined) future life.

Also, the end of the dream seems very significant, where you decided not to sell the house after all, and instead fix up the third floor and stay in the house "as it might provide some opportunity that I had not previously thought it had." This seems to parallel your decision to not sell your house in real life (although the reasons are different). It's possible that this dream is showing you a positive way to deal with your real-life situations of needing to stay in your current house and/or job, and making the best of it by exploring opportunities in your current situation that you "had not previously thought it had" (in other words, staying where you are, but finding newness in your current situation - perhaps through outward changes, inner changes in your perspective, etc.)

Because you so rarely remember your dreams, and you remembered this one so vividly, there could be an important reason you remembered it: it could contain guidance or pointers for your life direction, or some other important information. This dream could even be a form of spiritual guidance. However, regardless of the source or intent of this dream, it's important that you use your own inner wisdom and best judgment as you make decisions going forward.

Actions to Resolve Issues from Your Dream

Since this dream may be primarily exploring your subconscious thoughts and feelings at the time of the dream, no further action may be needed to resolve any issues from the dream. However, you might choose to explore your feelings about the dream and about its specific elements. This process may not only provide insight into the feelings and issues (such as unmet needs or desires, hints at future direction on your life path, etc.), but may also help you identify feelings that indicate deeper unresolved issues or other areas within you where action would be helpful. You may already have your own techniques for this exploration, and I suggest the following tools:

  • Free-Form Writing: The purpose of this exercise is to explore your thoughts, feelings, wants, and needs, and to give them a space to be seen and heard. Sit down with pen and paper and just start writing anything and everything that comes to mind. You might want to start with writing your reaction to the part of the dream that really stands out the most. If you go blank at anytime, just write "nothing is coming to mind right now" and keep going.  If you get stuck for a long time with nothing to write, you can ask yourself questions to get going again (try "If I had something to say, it would be ..." or "If I knew how I was feeling right now, I would explain it like this..."). Don't worry if it's readable or if the spelling is correct - no one will ever read this, including you. Keep writing until you have a definite feeling that there is nothing left to be said. When you are finished, write on a separate sheet any conclusions you want to keep, then tear up or safely burn the originals to let your subconscious know you are releasing everything you wrote, because those feelings have now been expressed and are no longer current.

  • Dream Dialoguing: With pen and paper, sit down and start writing a dialog with a symbol from your dream. Write your name and your first question, then write the name of the dream symbol and answer the question as you imagine the symbol would. (You can see an example of dream dialoguing at

  • Exploring Your Gifts: Focusing on the items in the etagere in the dream:

    • Consider how the geodes, crystals, and rocks might represent your special gifts, strengths, or abilities (things that can help or serve others) - possibly paths you could take to use your special gifts in a new, personally-rewarding career.

    • For each gift from the first step, imagine making more use of that gift in real life and pay attention to how that feels. If imagining it brings a sense of fulfillment, meaning, well-being, or upliftment, then consider the idea of actively integrating that gift into your life to a greater extent.

    • Take steps to “lean into” your gift and explore how you want to put it to use. You might begin by setting an intention and then taking action to create more of what you want, depending on how you want to use this gift.

I cover these three tools (and more) in greater depth in the "Toolkits" sections of my book, The Curious Dreamer's Practical Guide to Dream Interpretation, if you're interested, although the instructions I've provided here should be sufficient. If at any point you feel the process is too much to handle on your own, ask for help from a counselor/therapist or other professional.

Feedback from Client

THIS is amazing!!!!!!

Thank you so much - as I read through the interpretation so much of it resonated - I shall reread and do some of the exercises you have suggested. There's absolutely a connection and I'm reminded that several times in my life a dream has helped me sort through a problem, issue or concern. This one seems to have carried the same purpose and I'm excited to explore it further.

Thanks you again, this is so exciting!

(This dream interpretation is shared with permission of the client.)